Tuesday, November 17, 2015

i will be a drunken historian

Baigi cool atkal komunicēt ar Gintiņu tā biežāk. Beidzot arī tiku pie tām skicītēm.
Earlier today, I wanted to lament the return of some inner instabilities, but since then I found that they are not as much old weaknesses to me anymore as a part of some bigger (forgive me) patterns that were set in motion in the summer and have presented themselves as either pleasing as fuck, fascinating as fuck, a lesson that's quite to the point or all three.
Here is some not entirely unrelated stuff that happened recently:
*losing, then finding, then losing my hat;
*rose petals and blood on the floor of McDonald's;
*this evening, visiting Arta's tiny room for the first time,
which was another one of those not-planned-at-all occurrences. There were country apples, smokeables and a laptop. What more could you ask for on a depressive October evening?


By the way, Drunk History - something I profusely encourage you to check out.
And as much as I value authenticity, if the first version of this post made sense to while writing it, I couldn't refrain myself from editing while inhabiting a clearer mind.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


curious series of happenstances, experiences and desires

one consistent thing about life is that it does, indeed, get increasingly challenging as you age

The Elephant's Garden