Saturday, December 28, 2013


It's all you want, in the end.
It's all I want.

To be loved. Be be able to love.

It's saddening to realise too late that you've been giving your all to one person, pushing everything else away, because at that moment, nothing else really mattered. It's saddening to see them grow distant, care less and eventually stop caring.
People change, and the things you believed in get taken away from you, and then you're left empty, lonely, and helpless. So you hurt for a while. And it's more real than anyone else will let you believe, because no one can really help you. You may despair. You may spends endless, sleepless nights remembering an exquisitely gentle caress, a truly heartfelt kiss or a long-lost smile. You may not remember the last day you didn't cry, because it's so fucking hard to believe that something so good, days so happy could turn into.. This.
Still, later, you realise that no one can really help you, except yourself. That doesn't make things easier. But you'd be forsaking yourself if you didn't at least try.

Your world spins. It gets darker.
You will have to go through hell to find the light again.
Just try to trust me when I say it's there.

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