Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is beautiful.

Life is beautiful. Really, people, I'm serious. There are moments worth living for, and there can be a lot of them, life can be really really great, if you just make it so. People can be sunshine, gratitude itself. Sincere. Sometimes you find yourself in a company where being cynical is unnecessary.

This stupid, stupid, stupid world, where all the time, everywhere, you find stress, misery, most of us feel trapped, depression is completely normal, and so is suicide.. wake up. Fucking wake up. Please.

Make yourself break out of the whole nightmare of rutine, of money, of "doing what you have to" ..
Goddamnit. Live. You can live.

(Oceansize - "music for a nurse")

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Guys, the people with power are being ridiculous again.

More info -

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hey, Jude

This morning I dropped an avokado seed on my toe. The perfect way to start the day, eh?

Also, how does one explore without losing the old? I don't want to lose any of my friends, but everyone's so different.. How do you look into all the sides of the crystal at once?
Is it this?

One, true, brilliant shape, shining, lighting up the world, just get to it, take it, it's yours.. 

Can there be a ONE TRUE thing, meaning, whatever, anything.. to seize at all costs, or else you go to Hell.. or to not strive for, to regard, to acknowledge, but it's only within reach if you don't want it, if you don't want, want, want. 'Cause we're all sinners anyway.

..or is it all around us? is it more like this...-

Everywhere, but we just don't see, we're blind. We're right in the middle of it, and we're like, ugh, what is this unusual substance that makes dreams come true, why is it all over me, get it off, get it off!! 
Let me crawl back into the box with the windows of a jail cell. Let me turn back into the routine, let me eat this lovely, salty, poisonous thing they just advertised, pleaase.  

Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. 

Or maybe it's a beautiful, bleeding cross, or x, heart, whatever the preference is these days.. as long as it's injury, it's justified. It's ok. Not only blind, but deaf, too, and mostly mute as well. Ladies and gentlemen, the Human Race. All meanings. Just because I said so. So there. I win. You lose. You lose. 
'Cause I'm special. Mummy said so.

Wait, what? I'm showing you the clock, why the fuck would you see the bodily injury instead, relevant, I think not. Yes. It is. No, it is not, you you you.. -.

Time is much more complex than blood, am I right? Time holds much more in itself, isn't it more important than the sight of a liquid of a visually pleasing colour?

Irony, y u get old?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ilo Veyou

Of all the beautiful voices, of all the beautiful people, of all the enchanting minds - oh, belle fille...

(Camille, dūh)

Aujourd`hui, c`est le plus beau jour, c`est la plus belle vie, 
C`est le plus grand amour, sur la plus belle planète
Et aujourd`hui, c`est la plus belle minute, c`est la plus belle poussèe, 
C`est la plus belle chute
Sur la plus belle planète, la plus belle planète
Et aujourd`hui, c`est la plus belle seconde, c`est la plus belle la plus belle voix lactèe, la plus belle ronde
Sur la plus belle planète, la plus belle planète
Et aujourd`hui c`est le plus beau col, c`est le plus beau cordon, le plus beau bisphènol, le plus beau plomb, placentas, 
bèton, colostrum, ATL, uranium, OGM, homme, aime, femme, dioxyde de carbone.
Sur la plus belle planète, la plus belle planète...
Et aujourd`hui c`est le plus beau moment, c`est le plus beau bèbè, c`est la plus belle maman, Sur la plus belle planète

The most beautiful planet...?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My sister's godmother and her wife..

..stopped by today. They are among the nicest people I know.

Also, today I feel like shit. No matter how beautiful life is, there are always days that are just.. shit.
But no matter, I have quality vanilla ice cream. And a splendid notebook of which one side is just my kind of indigo. See, I'm cheering myself up already. The boy is composing music. The ghost is in the room. Did I just call this upon myself? ..oh, well, better turn on the other light. And light the candles. And be like, LIGHT!.

"Men mamma, dom är ju inga barn längre, dom är ju riktiga människor!" I miss my cousins.

Deja vu. The music just seems to disappear sometimes. And don't get to know your friends too well, ok?
Is it just me, or is dubstep slowly invading our brains?

ooh, look, I found something I wrote with cold fingers outside while waiting for someone who didn't arrive. fun.

get out of the den of friends
the lonely, righteous thieves
part of the rest of the onlookers
no matter how much they grieve
what drips from their fingers
won't be blood
yet it brings the flood

be silent in your screaming
don't you dare awaken
you, yourself, don't tear the fraying sky
we couldn't take that much at once
not now, not then
what you take in your hands
you can hurl
just let ignorance be the world

sharpen your decisions to a point
the you can stab at what you want

...aand that's all there was. Oh well. I didn't light the candle. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I just stayed up all night. For various reasons. Here is the music that kept me alive -

(A. J. Roach - "Devil May Dance")
(The Velvet Underground - "I'm Sticking With You")
(Budgie - "Parents")
(Air - "Run")
(Four Seasons, Summer 3/3)

Friday, November 4, 2011

thank you

I'm gonna share a little thing with you all. Why, I don't know. Of course.

My parents wrote a song for me. I was probably about 3 years old at the time, and it's one of the best things they could have given me. Mom wrote he lyrics, dad composed the melody. He also knew a singer at the time, Cam, I remember her very vaguely. She sang it, recorded it, and put it in her album. "Song for E"is the song. My song. Heh.
I guess the point of this was to give my parents a 'thank you' that they'll probably never see. So there you go.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Now, the days..

I'm kinda in pain. I've made a few mistakes, explored a bit too much, and here comes our dear little friend called Guilt. So much has happened since the last time I was here, so many people have appeared to complicate everything, to change my sight.
And, I realized how much I've lost of my old life. You know those moments, right? - the ones where you remember something from years ago, and it could have been a very shitty day, but you desperately want to get back there again, just for a little bit.
Then again, a lot of things disappear because of neglect, or you've simply changed to much to experience that again. See, I'm no longer a child. I've been able to fool myself for quite some time, I could still return to  those moments of creating little worlds in a clump of moss, and being chosen because you're still young enough to understand. I sort of want to be a child again.
But - I know more, and differently now.. the new life I have is a good one. It's interesting. It's very different, but I wouldn't back away, if I could. Would I?
Also, I was recently asked - "how do you make friends so quickly?" I think.. -
The people I've met in the past few months.. most of them I trust now, at last a little. I have little prejudice, (or so it seems), and I think that exposing myself this freely pulls people towards me a bit. Maybe I'm being arrogant.
And, I have a reason to .. maybe, partially.. believe in something supernatural. It's curiosity, about the paranormal at that, but I'd almost regard it as a religion, it would finally be something not to doubt, something more or less stable in a world of deceit. The downside (there always is one somewhere) would be that it's fucking scary. And if I have proof, I wouldn't be able to convince myself that it's all in my head. Happily oblivious sounds quite charming, and safe, but then, I WANT TO KNOW. Would you? Would you change your life to know the truth? It's sounds cliche and melodramatic, yes, but, hey, when else am I going to get a chance to play around?

I don't want to lose this, you know. I really, really don't want to lose this. It's kind of annoying that as you grow up, more and more of what your elders have said makes sense. OH GOD,WE'RE BECOMING THEM, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
Forgive my rambling.