Thursday, January 29, 2015


Gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

bet nē, viss nav slikti,

jo mājās ir garšīgs jogurts.

Paldies Gintam par savu mūžīgo saulaino/chill noskaņojumu, par super mīlīgajām konfektēm, un par atgādinājumu, ka nav nemaz tik sarežģīti nebaidīties.

Paldies Arvim par savu spēju pārslēgties uz to idiotisko humoru, kura ietekmē jāsmejas līdz sāpošiem sāniem un asarām. Kā arī par aliņiem.

Es atsakos neuzskatīt savus draugus par draugiem tādēļ, ka pagātne ir sūds un visiem ir rētas.


Today seems somewhat ugly. With no reason to get out of bed, I kept myself there, periodically asleep and awake, until about one in the afternoon. Lora tends to lie in the dip of my back, or on my side, and her complacent purring serves as an additional demotivator when it comes to moving.

I will almost certainly ditch choir, there's no use in showing my face there today.

The only high-light I can name was the cheery quality to the voice of L. B. from the Samaritans, with whom I was discussing helping kids in need with their english. Not sure what I'm getting into, since there seems to b a lot of unpredictability with the rotation of the actual children, and she seems intent on having me opt for this group of ambiguously defined, mentally impaired youngsters with drinking problems. I am somewhat intimidated.

Gus seems to be on his toes about me inviting most male friends over/ going to visit them. Looking over most of the people I communicate with, guilt trips will ensue. Like yesterday, when Gints dropped by for tea and a walk to the lake, reminiscing about trips he'd had over the summer, and Arvis later informed me about his triumph over some test and the need to raise a glass to that. (Which ended up starting off in the "Gustavs Ādolfs" mini-restaurant, which I had previously visited only from the café to use the joint lavatory. Terrible, terrible music.) There was some unpleasant texting over the evening, and today I can't really talk to Gus at all. I don't think he realises how shit I am at spending my time alone.
Hard to know how to feel about what.

So here I am, pouring my heart out to the one person who will potentially read this, and it only makes me fell all the shittier. My sincerest apologies.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

wow spēle

Just finished sorting my tumblr playlist. No more dead links, no more confused naming. Enough additions to make it count as relatively updated (to my current life, ahah).

I've been made part of this secret-ish project, which I'm happy about. I'd do well not to slack on at least some sort of writing now. I'd tell you more, but. *giggles* It's secret.
And choir was equal parts oddly empty, pleasant, amusing, awkward and tedious.

"Jūs arī wow spēlējat?" is the response I got to an attempt to incorporate a doge joke into a group chat. I ended up having to explain the principle. Unsuccessfully, I might add - evidently the people I was conversing with are not of the type to be subjected to internet sink-holes.

Why the fuck do I frequently try to write these things at some ungodly hour, with zero company and zero booze? *ignores unopened tequila bottle on the table*

This is shit.

Daudz laimes, Kristap. 
(good job, Em, that was a day early)

"Daniel Cowman" - Regina Spektor

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Joks tāds,"

02:45 - pārģērbos pidžammās, un sāku lasīt "Mūsdienu Politiskās Filozofijas" ievada sadaļu "Libertārisms". Bet jau uzreiz saprotu, ka biju pārāk aizrāvusies ar to prieku, kas ir rakstīšanas vides noformatēšana, informācijas ieplūde sanāk neveiksmīga. Salauzta tās izplūde, turpretim..

I have great hopes for the year 2015. It has already brought some very interesting changes, ones that are generally good. E.g. new, fascinating friends; a kind of (what*) motivation that isn't an illusion; choir's been turned upside-down; I've been forced to attempt to see my sister as an adult; I've been challenged to bring out some forgotten, rambunctious aspects of myself without wrecking the delicate balance I've achieved without them.

This Monday evening I was too sleep-deprived to go and fill my duties as an english teacher, for a reason I'm still not entirely sure how to classify. Fun, though.

Dark Dark Dark at Cake Shop: "Junk Bones"

I have a character in mind that currently goes by the name of Mabel. The idea of her story is this: she slowly and painfully gets herself out of a depressive circle, and that's all fine and well, but things get more fantastical over time, and at certain points we (the readers, & Mabel herself) get thrown back to whenever she started daydreaming/ whenever she fell asleep, back to her "reality". I don't plan on making it easy to coherently follow the "real" storyline, but I think it might be a good shape to have something solid that's interspaced with trippy journeys in.

She obviously has a cat. Goodnight.

*Hā, "edits"

Tūdaļ došos uz Simpoziju, bet lai cik izdrāzts vārds "motivation" nebūtu visdažādākajos kontekstos, vēlos vismaz sev norādīt uz to atšķiribu tās pielietojumā, kuru nesa faking cipariņa pārbīde. Spontānas mākoņveidīgas dvesmas - tikpat abstraktas un kaut kur augšā peldošas.

Starp citu, daži konkrēti pārlatviskojumi, kurus līdz šim kaut kā biju palaidusi garām, kutina manas ausis. Atmiņā ataust tas nostalģiskais brīdis, kad pirmo reizi dzirdēju vārdu "coolīgi". Lai gan, tas joprojām ir noskurināšanās vērts. Bet, piemēram, es nemācētu erotiski uzvesties latviski. Vismaz ne manā tābrīža uztverē, un kur nu vēl pielietot neķītrus tekstiņus. Valodu barjeras ftw