Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Joks tāds,"

02:45 - pārģērbos pidžammās, un sāku lasīt "Mūsdienu Politiskās Filozofijas" ievada sadaļu "Libertārisms". Bet jau uzreiz saprotu, ka biju pārāk aizrāvusies ar to prieku, kas ir rakstīšanas vides noformatēšana, informācijas ieplūde sanāk neveiksmīga. Salauzta tās izplūde, turpretim..

I have great hopes for the year 2015. It has already brought some very interesting changes, ones that are generally good. E.g. new, fascinating friends; a kind of (what*) motivation that isn't an illusion; choir's been turned upside-down; I've been forced to attempt to see my sister as an adult; I've been challenged to bring out some forgotten, rambunctious aspects of myself without wrecking the delicate balance I've achieved without them.

This Monday evening I was too sleep-deprived to go and fill my duties as an english teacher, for a reason I'm still not entirely sure how to classify. Fun, though.

Dark Dark Dark at Cake Shop: "Junk Bones"

I have a character in mind that currently goes by the name of Mabel. The idea of her story is this: she slowly and painfully gets herself out of a depressive circle, and that's all fine and well, but things get more fantastical over time, and at certain points we (the readers, & Mabel herself) get thrown back to whenever she started daydreaming/ whenever she fell asleep, back to her "reality". I don't plan on making it easy to coherently follow the "real" storyline, but I think it might be a good shape to have something solid that's interspaced with trippy journeys in.

She obviously has a cat. Goodnight.

*Hā, "edits"

Tūdaļ došos uz Simpoziju, bet lai cik izdrāzts vārds "motivation" nebūtu visdažādākajos kontekstos, vēlos vismaz sev norādīt uz to atšķiribu tās pielietojumā, kuru nesa faking cipariņa pārbīde. Spontānas mākoņveidīgas dvesmas - tikpat abstraktas un kaut kur augšā peldošas.

Starp citu, daži konkrēti pārlatviskojumi, kurus līdz šim kaut kā biju palaidusi garām, kutina manas ausis. Atmiņā ataust tas nostalģiskais brīdis, kad pirmo reizi dzirdēju vārdu "coolīgi". Lai gan, tas joprojām ir noskurināšanās vērts. Bet, piemēram, es nemācētu erotiski uzvesties latviski. Vismaz ne manā tābrīža uztverē, un kur nu vēl pielietot neķītrus tekstiņus. Valodu barjeras ftw

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