Saturday, January 24, 2015

wow spēle

Just finished sorting my tumblr playlist. No more dead links, no more confused naming. Enough additions to make it count as relatively updated (to my current life, ahah).

I've been made part of this secret-ish project, which I'm happy about. I'd do well not to slack on at least some sort of writing now. I'd tell you more, but. *giggles* It's secret.
And choir was equal parts oddly empty, pleasant, amusing, awkward and tedious.

"Jūs arī wow spēlējat?" is the response I got to an attempt to incorporate a doge joke into a group chat. I ended up having to explain the principle. Unsuccessfully, I might add - evidently the people I was conversing with are not of the type to be subjected to internet sink-holes.

Why the fuck do I frequently try to write these things at some ungodly hour, with zero company and zero booze? *ignores unopened tequila bottle on the table*

This is shit.

Daudz laimes, Kristap. 
(good job, Em, that was a day early)

"Daniel Cowman" - Regina Spektor

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