Sunday, August 16, 2015

if Ben Frost could affect the weather

A couple of days ago, while on my way from a train, and to resume what turned out the be a thoroughly amusing transcription process, I had the pleasure of walking in the vicinity of quite the composed woman who had just purchased quite the charming second-hand teddy bear. While waiting at a red light, I observed as she looked him over scrutinisingly, removing a couple bits of fluff, and then peeked down his overalls as if to check whether or not teddy had shat himself.

Inwardly, yet not so secretly, I'm a bit horrified at how bad my memory has appeared to have become. I have been drinking a lot, thanks to my wonderful, beautiful friends. Maybe it's ironic, considering how intent I about preserving memories when I was mostly unhappy.

Edgar showed me another musician who committed suicide. He hanged himself with his shirt from a barred window that wasn't all that high, which means he had to keep his legs off the ground while choking to death.

Roy Buchanan - The Messiah Will Come Again (live 1976)

But Ben Frost isn't dead. And maybe he can affect the weather, because I nodded off on the way back from his concert in Ventspils and reportedly missed the most amazing thunderstorm to grace this country in a good while.
His performance was almost literally mind-blowing, and by this I mean LOUD. And yes, really fucking good. It was quite fascinating to watch him on the stage, barefoot and wild, creating Sound that blasted from the speakers, shook the house to the foundations and me to the bone. I remember thinking: "I want that man."

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