Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I know something.

I'm serious, I do. There now one thing in my life that I know I want, for sure. ~You know there are these people, who can come into the room and get noticed right away? Not because they're famous or anything of the sort, but because they have such a powerful aura, positive vibrations surrounding their body. They are trusting, likeable, interesting, funny, creative, just wonderful people.. They are the ones who can change things through connections, conversations, etc. I want to become one of those people. That is what I want. I want that. And, I will get it. So there?

That would be a wonderful way to change the world, which is another one of my main ambitions at the moment. I keep finding myself asking people to join me in my "little, silly revolution", and guess what? They want to. So, if I have people on my side, what do I do next? There is the sharing my ideas of reforming older ideas, and then there is the actual 'doing' something. But what? I want to write a book, I want to become an artist, a singer, a psychologist, and I will do all these things, but maybe not in the way you think. I will shun the school system and try to do these things, following my own. Shall we take the song first? I think I'm not too bad at lyrics, and I can sing, so it looks possible. I have come up with a couple of lovely melodies, and all I have to do now is combine these three things and shape it into the thought I want to share. Then, show it to the world. What do you think? (:
Worst case scenario, I'll just make a cover. Like Birdy, it worked out for her, now, didn't it?
(Birdy - "Skinny Love")

And after that, I'll just try again. And again. And again...

 Another thing I've noticed is how easy it is to make myself bleed. *sing-song voice* "Chiiiildren, don't try this at home!" Just a random fact. Don't let it scare you away. Or do. It is, ultimately, your choice.

So anyway, I feel bad about saying something even remotely commercial, but I'd appreciate any kind of response. I'm sharing things that are important to me, and well, I want to know what the rest of the world thinks about them. (I know, it's a lousy I'm-starting-a-blog-at-05:30-in-the-morning-thought, but it's there, and there it will stay.) There you have it.

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