Friday, November 30, 2012


There's an overall feeling of inadequacy, clumsiness, worthlessness that never fails to appear at from time to time. Having been nobody who's mind I would have glanced at twice, I don't know what to do with myself when I have what I've always wanted. It seems unreal. And dramatic, but I only take it as fact. Unworthy. Because I'm selfish, stupid and lazy, disillusioned and needy, and I keep disappointing everybody, keep dragging things out. I apologise for my being.

1 comment:

  1. Life works in a way that you always get what you deserve. If not straight away, then later on. It's a fairly complicated theory, so no way can I express everything in one comment, but think about it. Whenever something bad happens because of the actions of another party, you get mistreated, but in a while, the other party get's what is coming to them and you get your "prize" for being a strong person and because you deserve that good after all the bullshit you might have gone through. You deserve everything you have right now, sadly, bad things included, but eventually those will fade - the more good you do to fix them, the faster. Others call it karma, but I think this might be a bit different. At least from the way I see it.
