Tuesday, March 31, 2015

the show must go on

Esmu izlēmusi - (šie vārdi skan ironiski, tīrā fantastika) - BET, jā, esmu izlēmusi klausīt tai beznosacījuma mīlestībai, kas manī virmo. Kļūt pat vienu no tiem "free love" cilvēciņiem; lai gan, nē, jo, godā vārds, līdz nelabumam apriebušās visas definīciju kastītes. (miskuzī for being deep) Vienīgā kastīte, kuru esmu gatava savai nostājai uzlikt, ir "Emma". Ja lieku ko citu, es automātiski adaptējos un reizē eju pretējā virzienā tam, kur vēlos nokļūt. Uz domām, ka šī ir pozitīva izvēle, mani mudina fakts, ka visi centieni noskaidrot, kas tad īsti notiek, un centieni notiekošo ievirzīt kaut kā pēdējā mēneša laikā ir bijuši neveiksmīgi, un ne tikai neveiksmīgi, bet arī pietiekami destruktīvi, lai mani iebiedētu. Atkārtojos, kad saku, ka man riebjas sāpināt.

Varbūt liekas riskanti ieņemt tādu pārliecību (man arī, starp citu), bet varētu teikt, ka man ir 'hunch', ka tas ir tas, uz ko jāiet, or fucking else: pat velk uz to, ka ir pēdējais brīdis lauzties arā no pagātnes. I mean, protams, ka tas ir riskanti, bet ko var darīt, ja apkārtesošie cilvēki ir tik brīnumjauki, ka vēlos tos izzināt un iemīlēt? Uz šīs nots no sirds pateicos par pēcballītes rītu, mīļie. Jūtu nenormālu siltumu pret jums, un nevēlos šo siltumu ierobežot. Nebūtu smuki pret sevi, un ceru, ka ne tikai.

Šo padarīšanu nebūt nepielīdzinu kāda iekšējā zvēra palaišanai brīvībā, bet gan izaugsmei, vēlmei pārkāpt savam ego. Tas būs īsts pārbaudījums, ņemot vērā cik sistemātiski un ļoti mēdzu pieķerties cilvēkiem. Bet vismaz greizsirdība vairs neliekas tik būtiska problēma. Varbūt šo saku par ātru. Kā nekā ceru uz šī monstriņa iedzīšanu kaut kur aizkrāsnē.
Otrs monstrinš, reizē ļaunāks un labāks, ir sevis upurēšana citu priekam. Tas diezgan ačgārni ir izpaudies tieši attiecību sfērā, bet joprojām pie problēmu skanēm ostās.

Ja seko man tviterī, iespējams, zini, ka nespēju paraudāt. Jau kādu laiciņu. Tas man traucē. It kā tās attiecīgi provocējošās sāpes nepārsneidz vienu konkrētu punktu, un līdz asarām es vienkārši nenonāku. Ir aizdomas, ka tas ir kādas pašizveidotas barjeras dēļ, bet cik veselīgu funkciju šī barjera pilda, man nav zināms.
par sāpošiem pleciem

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

stulbene, stulbenis

The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road

Thursday, March 19, 2015


These last two days. Joy, joy, joy.
Tuesday was sorting music and meeting Rob & Miks for a little bit, getting my sister her replacement rum, then off to work that included burnt fingers and nearly botched lemon cake, the one Matīss on the piano and the other Matīss between four personalities, an adventure shared with Laura involving birch juice and ants and lots of giggling. She also caught Bon Iver's song "For Emma" on her playlist, more joy ensues. Then M~ tried to be threatening and ask for coffee at the same time, and somehow we ended up walking to my place and seeing the aurora on the way. Breathtaking.
Wednesday was a lot of honest conversation, sunshine and duck drama. I was going to have an english lesson, but it had been forgotten about, so I ended up visiting the honorary owner of the elephant glass a few hours earlier than I would have, which was just as well, because it turned out to be one of those nights with an endless exchange of information, be it songs or tea or documented memories of a trip around Europe. Or, or, seeing "La Grande Bellezza" - a truly amazing movie. Earnest was seeing it for the 8th freaking time.
Today promises to be lovely as well.
I want to write more, but I have to go. All my love to you guys.

Quantic - Time Is The Enemy

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I am

sorting my entire music library. Yes.
this includes all of dad's music, so there is a shit-ton to go through
but I'm doing it, and it's going to be awesome

inevitably, forgotten gems pop up here and there

Blue Roses - Doubtful Comforts

Monday, March 16, 2015

well, fuck this

always, every goddamn time, it's a mess

and the past isn't real anymore, but the guilt-trips are

makes me feel emotionally dysfunctional - the scales are always tipping waay to one side; and then the other; and then they start spinning and fuck off to god knows where

millions of provocations, you know, the kind where you mean it, but not really
actions, reactions; fuck you, Einstein

yeah, I'm not dead either. sorry about the bruise

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hah, my confessions? Nope. Sucker.

Those of other people.
And even so, that's all you're gonna get.

I woke up about 20 minutes ago, after having fallen into this disorienting something that I hesitate to call actual sleep. I guess the past week or so has been tiring after all, despite all the elation. Seemingly unrelated to what's been happening as of late. All the same, I've been living some sort of dream. Stayed 5 nights away from home. Left my umbrella on the tram when finally going back. It's been said I need a stash of booze in my room. I agree.
The poem below was written during a modelling session for Gints, those have all been lovely. Beer and oranges. Thought I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking it's a good one. Anyhow, I like it.

Gus, if you're reading this - I'd like to have you know that I'm happy. Really fucking happy, in fact. Which I hadn't expected. Don't take it the wrong way, though. Eh.

this song is sex
"Easy" - Son Lux, ft. Lorde

tingling limbs

It has fallen asleep
A small spasm - I am awake
As the blood courses through my veins
I feel it become part of me again

Dare I move a muscle -
The tiny white stars are there to greet me
A paralytic, back from the dead
Reattaching the slumbering limbs to my body

Hours have passed like minutes
And consciousness - like a stray drop of rain
Trickling down
Towards some unidentifiable abyss

..which is probably warm
Like the colour of an orange,
Or the taste of good beer,
A lost lover's gaze

It has fallen asleep
A small spasm - I am awake.