Friday, August 31, 2012


I've gotten sick. Sniffle, cough, fever... all that jazz.
Very worth it, though. This night in the factory was, well, different. Some knew about this, most had absolutely no clue. Awareness is one thing. The endless night sky. Sitting on Rob's shoulders, Rob's feet on the iron ladder on the top roof, on the main roof, so high above the ground. Terrifying and exhilarating.
Letting things occur to you was a very fun part. I could become the music, briefly. Not that that took a lot of imagination, it was so loud anyone would have gotten confused. Karlīna was a flame goddess, playing with the stearin of the tea-candles - she was holding the candle in a way that I could only see the light escaping from between her fingers, and it poured over her bare arm. Later she said her white scarf was magic, keeping her from the cold. Perhaps a protection against all evil. I wasn't cold either, not until later.
Evita was herself, and that was very comforting, I now realise that it would be very hard for her to become someone else. Anete complimented the company with her presence, but I don't think she was aware of this. I don't know how much she would have wanted to be.

I now have an excuse to soothe my throat with ice cream. *pointedly blows nose*
.. not that I ever needed much of an excuse.

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