Thursday, October 11, 2012


I really need to get around to sticking with ONE project that I can put as a priority. But I can't choose.. I want to do it all, so I end up enjoying all of these little creative indulgences, but there's nothing that keeps steadily progressing the way I want it to. Another thing that makes it harder is that I get inspired and have these bursts of ideas, enthusiastically promise myself and others of what's to come, what we can do, and I stick with that for a couple days, and then, due to several things (limited resources/time, little or no participation from others, not being able to organise the process), it fades away. There are still swirly ideas stuck in the back of my mind, waiting to be reborn, vibrant and thriving.. Not that I'm not sticking with things, I mean, this blog, for example, has been going on for a long time. Then there are other things that, if I let myself go, only get attention in bursts. And sometimes, little hardships can be weirdly discouraging. Very much so. But that might be the S-DPD speaking. (no, not the Police Department, silly, the Disorder)
Well, there is this one site I created that I've put at least some of my hopes on. I've made everything work, more or less, no the only thing it needs is for everybody to periodically add to it. Might do, might do..
As for the rest. Nah, I'm not giving anything up. I'm too selfish.
And look I found a pretty water candle isn't it pretty I think it's fabulous just look at it

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