Thursday, April 19, 2012

If it hasn't happened on it's own..

..then parallel personalities are a bitch to keep apart. Sometimes literally. Not possible to try to hard.

But the thing that made me click 'New Post' was this minute brainstorming I had - the situation when there's been some change in a friend's life, most likely someone you don't meet too often, and you get to know about it via photo album, facebook or some other way providing they don't know you now know about this change - you register the fact with the more or less appropriate reaction, and then store it away in your mind on some dusty shelf. Then, after a couple of days/weeks/whatever, when you meet this person, you are at a loss on whether  to comment on the change or not. If you ponder long enough, your brief exchange of hey-howareyou-I'mdoinggreat,thanks-whereareyouoffto-etc. is over and you part with a slightly awkward wave, and the opportunity is lost. With that kind of sorta distant, but still likeable friend, you don't really have a clear idea of whether he/she expected you to say anything, are disappointed/indifferent because you didn't and all that. And now, mentioning it next time seems to be less right, in a way, because it would either apparently mean that you forgot about it in the previous meeting or didn't notice it (more minus points on this if the change is visual), but then again, not mentioning it at all might display you as phlegmatic or disinterested in the person in question. Or maybe it's just me. I don't know. I think too much.

Noitanitsarcorp gnickuf.

Also, purely updating - I finally purchased earphones. Walking around without music was taking it's toll on me (*personal pun no one will understand), I mean, I did have the headphones my dad lent me, but I seem to be incapable of enjoying myself in the city with those two lumps on my head. Go figure.
The purchase itself was nice, yet another familiar and sort-of-unexpected face encountered that day (not the first, oh, not the firstRFLRflRflandRasa? really?).
And in the evening The Quinters (lovelylovelylovely) blessed us with their presence at Artelis, I lured Evita & Aigars over there, and later came Marija, Pēteris, and someone named Lāsma. Also, Anastasija and her man were there, and and I'm guessing that's it for the people I know.
Also - sunglasses everywhere. And "Veronica decides to die."

-So let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France, let's get rich and buy everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance, let's get rich an'..-

(..-way up high, you and I, you and I. -)

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