Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I dreamt of the end of the world. As in, oh, so that's how it happens, I figured it out. Not easy to describe in words, though, it was somewhere along the lines of pushing space somewhere, and then it happens so much more violently, so, in the end, I guess everything just collapsed in on itself. But by everything I mean all the space around us, acting like a terrible phenomenon of nature, with no regard for life. It was all accompanied by this almost nauseating feeling, nightmares tend to come with those. Ick.

The puppy arrived yesterday. I would gush about how she's the cutest thing in the universe etc... for now I'll just mention that she's exceptionally good at destroying sponges.

Aand the swedish relatives are here too, now. Oh my, Morgan has grown. He's getting really tired of hearing that from everybody, but, really, the little pipsqueak is taller than me now. And there's still been no luck in getting those two evasive cousins of mine over here, damn them.
Relatives are such a weird thing, don't you think?

(The Breeders - "Fortunately Gone" peel session)

..and all I wanna do is hide under the blankets with some hot, sweet beverage and a good book.

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