Sunday, April 19, 2015

i want to kiss someone

Finally got the chance to start filming - Vendija joined the mild choir celebrities at Valmiermuiža after the skate, which was very pleasant. I liked it. There was an inspiring drummer backing the rather sad Carmena Burata for the combined choirs part.
I digress. Vendija stayed over and got to be my guinea pig for the filming, starting off with the hands, ah, the shapes that I've been so impatient to capture. Here's one of mine.

We had a very pleasant walk around Mparks, a lot of giggling, as per usual. A lot of antics involving trees, a lot of personalisation of inanimate objects, a lot of close-ups on faces that can barely contain a laugh. They've started the cotton candy season, by the way.
The more I interact with the Canon, the more I want one myself. Such a shame I have to return it as soon as this Monday. Edgars S., kameras īpašnieks, gan būs trešais dalībnieks manā iecerētajā trio, so domājams, ka ar laiku varēšu atļauties garākus laika posmus.

Divi man vispazīstamākie Last Train dalībnieki ir atsākuši ar mani kontaktēties, t.i. Kārlītis & Čūbis. Prieciņš, prieciņš, gribas viņus satikt. Virsū nāk nostalģija par visādiem jaukiem vakariem. Nezinu, vai esmu kaut kur rakstījusi par to, kā mēs trīs, pārguruši, vasaras? naktī sēdējām uz soliņa pie Brīvības pieminekļa un dalījām vienu cigareti. Ārkārīgi šarmanti. c:

And yeah, something hormonal is seemingly going on, I'm aching for physical contact. Hence, (d'uh), the title. Wanna, wanna, wanna.

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