Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Jā, diezgan banāli. Bet es sāku apdomāt mīlēstību un dažādus tās aspektus.. pie vainas dziesmas fragments "sells love to another man.." and me, being me, thought of the literal part of it. If you could actually sell love. If you could persuade someone into falling in love with you. Kāpēc ne? I mean, you develop feelings towards someone you've lived with for an extended period of time, and people also tend to feel closer to someone they've experienced meaningful things with. No šāda skatpunkta tas pat izskatās iespējams. This is worth pondering about.


Much to take into consideration.
It kind of works with arranged marriages, in some cases. But that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking the irreplaceable, can't-live-without-you, sexy, but stable relationship between two people. (I'm probably just reinventing some old cliche here, but bear with me.)
And with the arranged stuff you don't get to experience the delicious (yay for accurate description) nervousness when you have a crush. Smiling like an idiot, sweaty palms, heart beating quickly, endless fidgeting, and all because you've caught sight of him/her. Lovely reason to make a fool of yourself.
But actual love - you have to trust each other, well, it depends on the combination, but at least somewhat. You have to get yourself to mean enough to that other person.. Some have tried outlasting the other's memory. But those are usually sad stories.
There's that situation when you're both in complete awe of each other and can't believe that "he/she is actually mine!" A beautiful, perfect someone, you're completely in love, and they love you back.
And the there's the little stuff - personal jokes, and the little details that trap you completely. Movie quote - "It was her wrists. They were beautiful." Things like that.
Meh, nevaru pabeigt domu. Might continue on this later.

(And I had the second part just written down, phrased much better than this one, and then safari decided to quit on me, and I lost the goddamn thing. Nearly brought me to tears, a bit of a dramatic reaction, but well, it did. What you see now is what I remembered. Don't know if it's all of it, but I guess the idea's there.)

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