Saturday, June 16, 2012


Yep. A mustache party. XD With twister. Followed by Monty Python and the Holy Grail, AND everybody freaking out over scary computer games. Brr.  We have a treasure trove of hilarious pictures. My friends are just too lovely. (:

And yesterday was also the day of the izlaidums of Kat, Linda, Kurmis, Antons, Griķis, Dundara..
A rare occasion to dress up. Rather enjoyed it, even if the waiting was supposedly boring everybody out of their minds. I also had the pleasure of meeting the elusive pixie Madara.

I'm off to the country with me mother. Cleaning an' shit. Gonna look about for a few long-lost books.

("Promising Light")

"..tugging your skirt, sayin' please, please, please.."

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