Thursday, July 19, 2012


I knew, yesterday, that I would be late for my vocal lesson. Not a conscious decision, not actually that much of circumstance, either, but I ended up being 20 minutes late, listening to my homework assignment on Monica (ze iPod) on my way there. But it was a good way of spending the morning, with Terēze being over and whatnot, and the lesson itself was nishe. Becaush.
That also ended up taking 20 minutes overtime, which was good, but that also meant that Kat had to wait for me at Index Cafe for a while, and hurrying over there (again, an unexpected and rather amusing encounter with the Rain Dog) was meh-y 'cause of the heat and my sweater thing, which would've supposedly banished the remnants of my illness, (which turned up uninvited and sudden one night, still lingering, *keh*), but Kat saved me, having brought my shirt she'd borrowed quite a while ago. I discreetly changed in the bathroom. :3 Murphy's law, though - it started raining, and the cherry tree.. well, just a moment, Kat decided to show me the blue tree that had been shown the her by "some hipster" - Reinards, and on the way I encountered a few familiar faces, including Barbara's, (we had passed her bike leaning against the wall of Hesburger's, it seemed, she called and demanded me to stop where I was and turn back, so I dragged us in there for a few minutes to catch up in that always slightly awkward way one acts around our dear Crane), and this one girl's who I'd seen once before, performing at Taka. Beautiful voice. Really.
(Yell at the heart on the wall. You must.) I guess I adore that hidden little place with the blue tree. It really is that kind of young-rebellious-soul-deep-thought-special-place. Yeah. That kind. Then, proceeding to Gus's place for the movie night, we passed a little cherry tree, and feasted a bit, eyeing the unreachables at the top. Walking along, Kat demonstrated her skill at tying a cherry stem into a knot, using only her mouth. Then I tried, succeeded, and we ended up going back to the tree to get more cherries but, more importantly, stems. That was when I decided it would be a good idea to climb this sharp-branched little tree to get at juicier stuff, so I did, smudging my white shirt in the process, but I got what I wanted.
The movie night was awesome, as are mostly all events at Gus's place, (Gus, Ali, Rob, Rudy, Jānis P. and me) including potato bands with potato members in various languages, me getting exited about bass, a bit of drama and drunken emotion, sleeping less and less for various reasons, The Fall, pancakes by Ali and burlesque, 50's and classical music in the morning, film-making inspiration, The Rhubarb Duck, proudly displayed on my leg, an extremely entertaining pen with a dangly thing, Bender the cat not being amused, weirdness all around.
Two remaining things to mention - the very sour apple season has begun, and my fallen angel is no longer mine. Time, time, time..

(The Fall Opening Titles)

Whims. Whims everywhere.

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