It's one of those weird moments when my intuition? is telling me emma! emmaaa! Listen! you need to (..)! right now, it'll be too late soon! (..)!! Now, goddamnit!
Butr I don't know what it means! he/she is never specific about this stuff. argh
also, these are the times I tend to ignore time limits and do something utterly pointless until there's no use in going to whatever I have planned, and I end up telling everyone, including myself, that I'm going, but since my inner self is yelling at me, I waste all the time either just going derp or trying to find out what the hell I need to pay attention to. This is when I can't make sense of my brain.
Why won't you tell me what it is?? See, these intuitive (nyeegh) unsuccessful wake up calls are usually accompanied by a feeling of desperation. No fun. waastin everybody's time/
whhhhhh. life.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife,
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