Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a seemingly belated realization

And now, I'm wondering about one of the sentences most despised by children, namely - "you'll understand when you're older".. the agonizing truth, but not really. And the 'not really' is what makes it even worse, because wisdom both irrevocably appears and is gained, and is hopelessly lost on both sides. Both sides of age.

See, the little light of well, enlightenment, that came to me just a moment ago was that everything is material. In our minds. There is no selfless act. You feel pure sympathy for someone in pain, you smile at a loved one, you bring joy to those who had none.. All for yourself, for the ideals you have been taught, which you have learned, developed yourself. Whatever you do, it benefits something, or someone else.
Love, hate, fear, happiness, sorrow, grief, disappointment, passion, (also intelligence, skill) etc., it's all material. They are all tools we use. The curse of humanity, or of simply being alive? Having more instinct than anything surely simplifies it a great deal, but still. How can anyone be sure?
A.J. Roach - Bandolier

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