Friday, July 20, 2012

Suddenly, everything, everywhere, I'm leaving the country on the 25th, going to Italy.. I'm a bit afraid, as usual, to leaver the safety of friends and familiar places. Back on the 4th, though.
Country tomorrow, wanted to go to Pozitivus, wanted to sit with Kārlis and that group of people, wanted to fool about in the city, but everything is happening at once, for fuck's sake.
On top it all, I'm sick. Which is almost hilarious. *next day - and maybe I should be a little bit alarmed if I can do the "It's the pit of despairhh!!" voice.
And now it turns out that MC has a concert that I'm missing, too. -.-
 Also - RHCP - She's only 18  ..fuckin' great song.
(COASTERS _ "Three Cool Cats" 1958)

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