Sunday, July 15, 2012


..someone who's, morally... superior could possibly.. and honestly deserve.. to rule my world. 

Pleasant day. Woke up at about 11 at Aigars' place after the party, sat alone in the kitchen for a while with my notes, then Aigars walked in, and we spent some time discussing japanese singers, weird covers and such, which led me to realize I absolutely had to show him Igudesman and Joo, and well, others woke up gradually, Kat & Ploriņš left in kind of a hurry, the rest of us did another round of Slender, me playing, those bastards. Was very funny, though.
After goodbyes, I spent some time in The Pagalms. Realized I'd missed the place. Guys, let's gather and go there some time. Like we used to.
I also met Elīna. Walked up to the Origo stage to wait for her, and guess who's there, if not the Rain Dog. Smiled at each other, and I paused "Naive", the Kooks, for easier conversation. Talked about this and that, and after a while, his phone rings, the ringtone being .. "Naive", the Kooks. (: Heh.
Talk with Elīna was easier than expected. Had a couple laughs, but the conversation didn't last long. And it started raining.
I need to take Kat to Rezonanse. That beautiful place.

Kings Of Frog Island - Laid/Witching Hour

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